Ceph: placement groups

Quick overview about placement groups within Ceph.

Placement groups provide a means of controlling the level of replication declustering.

The big picture:


  • Pool contains objects
  • Pg: placement group contains objects within a pool
  • One object belongs to only one pg
  • Pg belongs to multiple OSDs

Placement groups offer better balance inside your cluster. I don’t need to remember you that everything is build on top of RADOS in Ceph. So basically let’s analyse, how objects are stored:

First create a dedicated pool:

$ rados mkpool test

List of my current pools:

$ rados lspools 

In Ceph, each pool is numbered incrementally. First pool has 1 as ID and so on. I have 4 pools, this ID of my latest pool is 4. This can be confirmed by this command:

$ ceph osd lspools 
0 data,1 metadata,2 rbd,3 pool,4 test,

Fullfil your pool a bit with an object:

$ dd if=/dev/zero of=my-object bs=10M count=1
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
10485760 bytes (10 MB) copied, 0.0763588 s, 137 MB/s
$ rados -p test put my-object my-object
$ rados -p test stat my-object
test/my-object mtime 1348960511, size 10485760

Where is my object?

$ ceph osd map test my-object
osdmap e260 pool 'test' (4) object 'my-object' -> pg 4.c5034eb8 (4.0) -> up [8,0] acting [8,0]

This command returns useful information like:

  • my object my-object belongs to the pg number 4
  • this object is currently stored into the OSD 8 and 0

You can check the content of the OSD filesystem:

$ ls -lh /srv/ceph/osd8/current/4.0_head/
total 11M
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 10M Sep 26 07:15 my-object__head_C5034EB8__4

Without any surprise, the directory contains the same information returned by the command above.

A pg overview, I only get the info the test pool:

$ ceph pg dump | egrep -v '^(0\.|1\.|2\.|3\.)' | egrep -v '(^pool\ (0|1|2|3))' | column -t
dumped all in format plain
version 1633
last_osdmap_epoch 260
last_pg_scan 259
full_ratio 0.95
nearfull_ratio 0.85
pg_stat objects mip degr unf bytes log disklog state state_stamp v reported up acting last_scrub scrub_stamp
4.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 active+clean 2012-09-26 06:58:44.147949 0'0 259'7 [8,4] [8,4] 0'0 2012-09-26 06:58:44.147692
4.2 0 0 0 0 0 610 610 active+clean 2012-09-26 06:59:43.896101 260'5 259'14 [6,7] [6,7] 0'0 2012-09-26 06:59:43.896046

4.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 active+clean 2012-09-26 06:59:44.803068 0'0 259'7 [5,2] [5,2] 0'0 2012-09-26 06:59:44.803030
4.0 1 0 0 0 10485760 375 375 active+clean 2012-09-26 06:58:42.145333 260'3 259'11 [8,0] [8,0] 0'0 2012-09-26 06:58:42.145061

4.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 active+clean 2012-09-26 06:58:39.331733 0'0 259'7 [2,4] [2,4] 0'0 2012-09-26 06:58:39.331695
4.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 active+clean 2012-09-26 06:58:45.143504 0'0 259'7 [8,5] [8,5] 0'0 2012-09-26 06:58:45.143254

4.5 0 0 0 0 0 512 512 active+clean 2012-09-26 06:59:46.809228 260'4 259'14 [5,8] [5,8] 0'0 2012-09-26 06:59:46.809191
4.4 0 0 0 0 0 387 387 active+clean 2012-09-30 00:59:10.574117 260'3 259'11 [4,6] [4,6] 0'0 2012-09-30 00:59:10.574060

pool 4 1 0 0 0 10485760 1884 1884
sum 102 0 0 0 413860224 17906 17906
osdstat kbused kbavail kb hb in hb out
0 600804 1486108 2086912 [1,2,4,5,6,7,8] []
1 611296 1475616 2086912 [0,2,3,4,7,8] []
2 615496 1471416 2086912 [0,1,3,4,5,6] []
3 561700 476636 1038336 [1,2,5,6,7,8] []
4 643628 394708 1038336 [1,2,5,6,8] []
5 747004 291332 1038336 [0,2,3,7,8] []
6 658020 380316 1038336 [0,2,3,4,7,8] []
7 660440 377896 1038336 [0,1,3,4,5,6] []
8 779068 259268 1038336 [0,1,3,4,5,6] []
sum 5877456 6613296 12490752

You can see our fresh object in line 12 and you also notice that my pool has a replica count of 2, this can be confirmed via:

$ ceph osd dump | egrep ^pool\ 4
pool 4 'test' rep size 2 crush_ruleset 0 object_hash rjenkins pg_num 8 pgp_num 8 last_change 259 owner 18446744073709551615

If you want to go further you can also retrieve the pg statistics:

$ ceph pg 4.0 query

{ "state": "active+clean",
"up": [
"acting": [
"info": { "pgid": "4.0",
"last_update": "260'3",
"last_complete": "260'3",
"log_tail": "0'0",
"last_backfill": "MAX",
"purged_snaps": "[]",
"history": { "epoch_created": 259,
"last_epoch_started": 281,
"last_epoch_clean": 281,
"last_epoch_split": 276,
"same_up_since": 280,
"same_interval_since": 280,
"same_primary_since": 280,
"last_scrub": "0'0",
"last_scrub_stamp": "2012-09-26 06:58:42.145061"},
"stats": { "version": "260'3",
"reported": "280'34",
"state": "active+clean",
"last_fresh": "2012-09-26 13:36:04.032048",
"last_change": "2012-09-26 13:35:57.831527",
"last_active": "2012-09-26 13:36:04.032048",
"last_clean": "2012-09-26 13:36:04.032048",
"last_unstale": "2012-09-26 13:36:04.032048",
"mapping_epoch": 275,
"log_start": "0'0",
"ondisk_log_start": "0'0",
"created": 259,
"last_epoch_clean": 259,
"parent": "0.0",
"parent_split_bits": 0,
"last_scrub": "0'0",
"last_scrub_stamp": "2012-09-26 06:58:42.145061",
"log_size": 375,
"ondisk_log_size": 375,
"stat_sum": { "num_bytes": 10485760,
"num_objects": 1,
"num_object_clones": 0,
"num_object_copies": 0,
"num_objects_missing_on_primary": 0,
"num_objects_degraded": 0,
"num_objects_unfound": 0,
"num_read": 0,
"num_read_kb": 0,
"num_write": 3,
"num_write_kb": 10240},
"stat_cat_sum": {},
"up": [
"acting": [
"empty": 0,
"dne": 0,
"incomplete": 0},
"recovery_state": [
{ "name": "Started\/Primary\/Active",
"enter_time": "2012-09-26 13:35:57.631197",
"might_have_unfound": [],
"scrub": { "scrub_epoch_start": "259",
"scrub_active": 0,
"scrub_block_writes": 0,
"finalizing_scrub": 0,
"scrub_waiting_on": 0,
"scrub_waiting_on_whom": []}},
{ "name": "Started",
"enter_time": "2012-09-26 13:35:56.625867"}]}

K Visit those pages for further reading:

I hope this article gave a good comprehension of how ceph store the data :-). Some of you could think: how could you make an article about data placement without talking about CRUSH. I will simply answer: that’s will be part of a future article.
