Tip: Add a specific keypair to a flavor

Folsom brought a lot of new features, however while playing with nova-manage, I came across a new option, option that I found very useful and that I’m about to share with you.

Basically in Essex you had:

$ sudo nova-manage instance_type
/usr/bin/nova-manage category action [<args>]
Available actions for instance_type category:

Now in Folsom, you have:

$ sudo nova-manage instance_type
/usr/bin/nova-manage category action [<args>]
Available actions for instance_type category:

And respectively you’ll find the update in the nova command:

Essex version:

$ nova help| grep key
[--region_name REGION_NAME] [--apikey APIKEY]
keypair-add Create a new key pair for use with instances
keypair-delete Delete keypair by its id
keypair-list Print a list of keypairs for a user
--apikey APIKEY, --password APIKEY

Folsom version:

$ nova help | grep key
flavor-key Set or unset extra_spec for a flavor.
keypair-add Create a new key pair for use with instances
keypair-delete Delete keypair by its id
keypair-list Print a list of keypairs for a user

You will notice that this option is not available from the Horizon Dashboard.

This is my flavors:

$ sudo nova-manage instance_type list | grep tiny
tiny: Memory: 512MB, VCPUS: 1, Root: 0GB, Ephemeral: 0Gb, FlavorID: 1, Swap: 0MB, RXTX Factor: 1.0, public, ExtraSpecs {}


$ sudo nova-manage instance_type set_key --name=xlarge --key=admin
$ sudo nova-manage instance_type list | grep tiny
tiny: Memory: 512MB, VCPUS: 1, Root: 0GB, Ephemeral: 0Gb, FlavorID: 1, Swap: 0MB, RXTX Factor: 1.0, public, ExtraSpecs {u'admin': None}

Now try to boot up a new instance with this flavor from the dashboard and avoid the second tab (access & security).

Enjoy ;-). Folsom is full of little surprises :D
