OpenStack summit Vancouver talks: Ceph and OpenStack upgrades

Self promotion ahead :) For the next OpenStack summit I have submitted two talks.
The first one is about Ceph and OpenStack (yet again!), in this session Josh Durgin and I will be focusing on the roadmap around the integration of Ceph into OpenStack. People might think that we are almost done, this is not true, even if we achieve a really good coverage many things need to be addressed.
- Link to vote for Ceph and OpenStack current integration and roadmap
The next talk is about OpenStack upgrade, a particularly challenging one that I am working on with Cisco since it’s from Ubuntu Precise Havana to RHEL7 Icehouse. Basically it’s a migration and an upgrade. We already started this process, so John Dewey from Cisco and I would love to share our experience so far.
- Link to vote for The Tale of Two Sorcerers Journey into Accomplishing the Unthinkable: OpenStack Upgrades
Thanks a lot in advance for your votes :). See you in Vancouver!