Introducing ceph-lazy

Ceph Lazy

This article is co-authored with Gregory Charot (author of the tool). Have you ever found yourself doing long series of pipes to get a particular value that is not directly provided by a Ceph CLI command or just trying to remove surrounding text to get a particular value? This situation often results in quick & dirty sed/awk pipelines ending (best case scenario) as alias or forgotten in your shell history until next time you need it. Here comes ceph-lazy, a shell toolkit that combines some of these queries that require multiple processing or text manipulation.

Starting from most basic queries like:

  • listing OSDs nodes
  • OSDs attached to a node

To more complex queries such as getting:

  • nodes that host a particular PG
  • effective RBD image size (prior to Jewel)
  • a node total capacity usage or listing nodes/OSDs that host a RBD image.

Some basic stats reporting around PGs and OSDs usage are also available.

The current list of commands is as follow:


    host-get-osd      hostname                      List all OSD IDs attached to a particular node.
    host-get-nodes                                  List all storage nodes.
    host-osd-usage    hostname                      Show total OSD space usage of a particular node (-d for details).
    host-all-usage                                  Show total OSD space usage of each nodes (-d for details)

    Placement groups
    pg-get-host       pgid                          Find PG storage hosts (first is primary)
    pg-most-write                                   Find most written PG (nb operations)
    pg-less-write                                   Find less written PG (nb operations)
    pg-most-write-kb                                Find most written PG (data written)
    pg-less-write-kb                                Find less written PG (data written)
    pg-most-read                                    Find most read PG (nb operations)
    pg-less-read                                    Find less read PG (nb operations)
    pg-most-read-kb                                 Find most read PG (data read)
    pg-less-read-kb                                 Find less read PG (data read)
    pg-empty                                        Find empty PGs (no stored object)

    rbd-prefix        pool_name image_name          Return RBD image prefix
    rbd-count         pool_name image_name          Count number of objects in a RBD image
    rbd-host          pool_name image_name          Find RBD primary storage hosts
    rbd-osd           pool_name image_name          Find RBD primary OSDs
    rbd-size          pool_name image_name          Print RBD image real size
    rbd-all-size      pool_name                     Print all RBD images size (Top first)

    osd-most-used                                   Show the most used OSD (capacity)
    osd-less-used                                   Show the less used OSD (capacity)
    osd-get-ppg       osd_id                        Show all primaries PGS hosted on a OSD
    osd-get-pg        osd_id                        Show all PGS hosted on a OSD

    object-get-host   pool_name object_id           Find object storage hosts (first is primary)

Some interesting commands:

$ ceph-lazy host-all-usage
Host:ceph01 | OSDs:2 | Total_Size:39.0GB | Total_Used:2.8GB | Total_Available:36.1GB
Host:ceph02 | OSDs:2 | Total_Size:39.0GB | Total_Used:2.8GB | Total_Available:36.1GB
Host:ceph03 | OSDs:2 | Total_Size:39.0GB | Total_Used:2.8GB | Total_Available:36.1GB

Useful information, allow to see if data are evenly spread across the cluster:

$ ceph-lazy rbd-host rbd myrbd

Not really relevant on a 3 nodes cluster but can become interesting on larger clusters especially with custom CRUSH maps.

For those who are not running Jewel and thus don’t have rbd du command:

$ ceph-lazy rbd-all-size rbd
2614.32 MB - myrbd
500 MB - rbd01
150 MB - rbd03
50 MB - rbd02

Find PG storage hosts (first is primary):

$ ceph-lazy pg-get-host 0.30
OSD:osd.1 | Host:osd02
OSD:osd.4 | Host:osd01
OSD:osd.3 | Host:osd03

The tool is available on github at Ceph lazy, few dependencies are required such as jq for json parsing and bc calculator for some of the commands.

Tired of piping? Go lazy!
