Run multiple Rados Gateways on the same host with Ceph Ansible

Run multiple Rados Gateways on the same host with Ceph Ansible

Quick how-to with Ceph Ansible to run multiple Ceph Rados Gateways on the same machine.

For this, we have a dedicated playbook that allows you to allow run the Rados gateway piece. To run simply fill the following variables:

  • radosgw_civetweb_bind_ip: the IP rgw should be listening on
  • radosgw_civetweb_port: use a different port for each rgw
  • ansible_hostname: name of the rgw

And then run:

$ ansible-playbook rgw-standalone.yml \
--extra-vars '{"radosgw_civetweb_bind_ip":"","radosgw_civetweb_port":"7480","ansible_hostname":"node-test"}'

$ ansible-playbook rgw-standalone.yml \
--extra-vars '{"radosgw_civetweb_bind_ip":"","radosgw_civetweb_port":"8090","ansible_hostname":"node-test2"}'

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