Ceph tip: build your monitor map
If you want to change or rebuild a new set of monitor servers, you will need to manipulate the monmap. This monmap is exchange between every monitors.
If you want to change or rebuild a new set of monitor servers, you will need to manipulate the monmap. This monmap is exchange between every monitors.
While strolling within the ceph mailing list, I came accross something really useful, something that I was looking for :)
I never thought about blogging this, but I think it can be useful for those of you who don’t know this little tool called: Multitail.
Bring gigabit to your VM’s NIC!
A little bit more about RBD objects…
Quick script to delete all the intances in error state
Since CephFS is not most mature component in Ceph, you won’t consider to use it on a production platform. In this article, I offer a possible solution to expose RBD to a shared filesystem.
Quick tip.
If you don’t use CephFS, you don’t need a MDS server. However if you installed it simply to try CephFS and if you’r done playing with it here is how to delete the MDS server.
Quick tip.
If you want to download a glance image stored in a RBD backend.
Quick tip on Ceph. The linux kernel RBD (rados block device) driver allows striping a linux block device over multiple distributed object store data objects. The libceph module takes care of that.