Ceph: real men use the memstore backend
A simple in-memory backend that stores objects in RAM is available since version 0.76 and will land with Firefly. Quick look at this new feature.
A simple in-memory backend that stores objects in RAM is available since version 0.76 and will land with Firefly. Quick look at this new feature.
A quick post to tell everybody that I’ll be giving a presentation at the Ceph day in Frankfurt. Obviously, I’ll be representing the company I work for, eNovance. The event is next Thursday, February 27, 2014. I am going to talk about Ceph, performance and benchmarking. You can check the details and schedule of the event here. See you there!
Ceph IO patterns analysis final part: The Ugly.
Ceph IO patterns analysis part 2: The Bad.
Ceph IO patterns analysis part 1: The Good.
Quick tip to perform a full snapshot of an RBD image. (only MtG players can recognize this picture!)
As you may know Ceph is not part of Debian Wheezy, thus QEMU-KVM was not compiled with the Ceph support (--enable-rbd
with both librbd
and librados
This article is just a quick tip to detect if your QEMU-KVM has the support of Ceph.
Getting more familiar with the Ceph CLI with CRUSH.
Ceph admin API init script.
RBD images are thin-provisionned thus you don’t always know the real size of the image. Moreover, Ceph doesn’t provide any simple facility to check the real size of an image. This blog post took his inspiration from the Ceph mailing list.