Ceph nano is getting better and better

cn big updates

Long time no blog, I know, I know… Soon, I will do another blog entry to “explain” a little why I am not blogging as much I used too but if you’re still around and reading this then thank you! For the past few months, cn has grown in functionality so let’s explore what’s new and what’s coming.

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Handling app signals in containers


A year ago, I was describing how we were debugging our ceph containers; today I’m back with yet another great thing we wrote :). Sometimes, when a process receives a signal and if that process runs within a container, you might want to do something before or after its termination. That’s what we are going to discuss.

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Huge changes in ceph-container


A massive refactor done a week ago on ceph-container. And yes, I’m saying ceph-container, not ceph-docker anymore. We don’t have anything against Docker, we believe it’s excellent and we use it extensively. However, having the ceph-docker name does not reflect the content of the repository. Docker is only the Dockerfile, the rest is either entrypoints or examples. In the end, we believe ceph-container is a better match for the repository name.

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Introducing ceph-nano

Introducing ceph-nano

I’ve recently started a small project that aims to help developers working with the S3 API. The program is called cn for Ceph Nano, is available on github let me give you a tour of what it does. I initially presented the program during my talk at the last OpenStack summit in Sydney. Originally, I wrote a quick prototype in Bash, then moved to Go.

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